UCSF Data Storage for Research

The table below lists common approved storage options for UCSF research data but is not a comprehensive list of all storage options at UCSF. These systems have completed a security review at UCSF and can meet general security requirements in research contracts and grants. Preferred solutions are the most robust services that offer a high level of security, uptime, and enterprise IT support.

Storage of UCSF research data on other systems may require an IT Security Risk Assessment.

Please review the Data Classification Policy for more details about classifying your research data. For questions or help with understanding the different options, please contact the UCSF Research Cybersecurity team by emailing [email protected].

Preferred Solutions

Service Description and Use Case Approved for P4 Data Share w/ external collaborators w/o UCSF accounts Cost
Research Analysis Environment (RAE)

Data hosting and compute service for research teams analyzing research data, including PHI, in a collaborative and secure environment. The environment provides access to common data analysis tools such as R, SAS, Stata, MATLAB, etc. Accessible via remote desktop, a web browser, and as a mapped shared drive.

Free tier has performance like a desktop with 100Gb of storage. Additional storage and compute can be customized for premium tier.

Access permissions are managed by Academic Research Systems (ARS) team via support tickets.

Yes Yes

Free for basic

Paid for premium compute & storage options


Web-based system for building and managing research projects, such as surveys and databases. These databases, data entry forms and surveys are intuitive, easy-to-use tools for collecting data, including data validation.

Free tier is approved for electronic consent and provides a self-service electronic data capture platform. Additional support and Part 11 compliance is available for premium tier.

Access permissions are managed by the users directly, after initial REDCap accounts have been created by the REDCap team.

Yes Yes

Free for basic

Paid for premium and cloud options


Cloud-based file collaboration tool similar to Dropbox that is managed and supported by UCSF IT.

Access permissions are managed by users directly, including the ability to provide direct links to documents without restricted data for external collaboration. Restricted data should be stored in the Secure folder where a CipherCloud agent is required to open these files.

All UCSF Box accounts have unlimited storage. However, individual files have a 15 Gb size limit.

Yes, except for Secure Box folders Free
UCSF Microsoft Office 365 Applications and Storage Solutions

Microsoft OneDrive and SharePoint allow secure document storage, sharing and collaboration.

Microsoft desktop and web applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and Teams) save data to OneDrive (personal files) or SharePoint (Teams files) by default.

Access permissions are managed by users directly, including the ability to provide direct links to documents without restricted data for external collaboration.

File size limit for 250Gb for OneDrive and 1Tb for SharePoint site, but uploading large files is not recommended, because they are difficult to work with on the cloud.

Yes, except for PHI Free

Other Pre-Approved Storage Options

Service Description and Use Case Approved for P4 Data Share w/ external collaborators w/o UCSF accounts Cost
UCSF File Shares

Network shared drives on file servers managed by UCSF or your IT department. Used for data storage for users on the UCSF network granted access to the file folder.

Access permissions are managed by UCSF IT via support tickets or managed by your department IT.

Yes No Usually paid for by department
UCSF Data Center Storage Centralized, highly available and highly scalable enterprise network storage for a wide range of applications. Yes No Rates
UCSF-owned Computers UCSF-owned computers with IT Security Suite installed, providing local storage and data analysis of research data that does not need to be shared. Yes No N/A
Personal Computers compliant with UCSF security

Computers owned by you personally or by a UCSF-affiliated organization which are encrypted and have UCSF’s IT Security Suite installed. Used for local storage and analysis of research data that does not need to be shared when no UCSF-owned computers are issued to you, or when UCSF-owned computers do not meet your project requirements.

Workstations must meet UCSF Minimum Security Standards when used to conduct UCSF business, including storing or processing UCSF research data.

Yes No N/A
Encrypted External Drive

Encrypted external hard drives or USB flash drives for temporary or secondary storage of data, or to transfer data locally between workstations. See more information about device encryption.

It is not recommended for primary storage of research data without backup as drives can fail over time.

Yes No Varies
UCSF Qualtrics

Build, distribute, and analyze online surveys, from simple to complex, like SurveyMonkey.

Yes No Free
UCSF Secure Enterprise Cloud (SEC)

Core Platform of services that integrate the AWS (Amazon Web Services) and Azure clouds into the UCSF network along with the IT security tools needed to deliver a secure computing environment.

A security risk assessment may be required depending on your use case.

Yes No AWS/Azure Cloud Computing cost
EpiBio Data Systems Services

Server, remote desktop, and custom-programmed environment supported by the Epidemiology & Biostatistics Research Data System (RDS) team. Environment supports data collection, cleaning, storage, analysis, and study management for multi-center studies in the department.

Yes No Varies
Scientific Computing Services – UCSF Radiology

Provides hardware computing support for research, which include Linux workstations, high performance computing clusters and connectivity for lab equipment as well as software support on those systems.

No Varies
Information Commons

Platform that provides access to multi-factor and multi-modal UCSF clinical data supporting data science research and workflows.

No No Varies

Large-scale, shared, high-performance compute (HPC) cluster underlying UCSF’s Research Computing Capability.

Free accounts will be limited by the number of concurrent cores and will have lower priority on the job queue. Participating co-op members that contribute to the cluster will get priority on the job queue and will be able to utilize many concurrent cores (proportionate to the contribution).

Free / Co-Op

The Online Collaborative Research Environment is a clinical trial management system (CTMS) that enables the management of research, safety, regulatory, financial, biospecimen, and operational data in one tool.

Yes No Free
UCSF Salesforce

Salesforce is a customer relationship management (CRM) platform to manage partners or customer relationships from a service you are providing. Some complex business processes will require custom coding in Salesforce.

A security risk assessment may be required depending on your use case.

Yes Yes Varies

Enterprise Git repository hosting service for software developers to store, manage, track, and control changes to their projects. UCSF has licensed its own secure internal version of GitHub Enterprise.

Yes Free
UCSF Smartsheet

Spreadsheet-centric project management tool designed to plan, track, automate, and report on projects.

No Yes, except for P4 restricted data

Individual user license required to create sheets

Free to view/edit


Knowledge management tool that enables users to store, create, and modify content in an organized manner.

No Yes, except for P4 restricted data Free
UCSF Drupal Web Hosting

Drupal web hosting services to ensure a secure environment for our websites. Informational websites built using UCSF Site Builder are free.


Free using Site Builder template

Paid for custom support

¹ PHI must be encrypted by CipherCloud

² Consult with service provider

³ A UCSF Guest Account is required

⁴ Wynton PHI Account required for PHI

⁵ GitHub Enterprise On-Prem server required

⁶ Request consultation for P3 – P4 data

Last updated: 09/26/23